Salford EPC

Commercial EPC

Commercial EPC

What Is A Commercial EPC?

What Is A Commercial EPC?

If you have a commercial premises that you are going to sell or lease, you will need a Commercial EPC.

Every business facility that is constructed, leased, or sold must now have a commercial EPC, which stands for energy performance certificate. The commercial EPC offers ratings ranging from an A for the highest level of energy efficiency to a G for the lowest level of energy efficiency.

A Commercial Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that provides information on a building’s energy efficiency and carbon emissions, enabling prospective buyers to compare it with other buildings of the same type. This helps buyers understand potential costs, such as heating, and can help potential tenants or other occupiers make informed decisions..

A Commercial EPC includes a recommendation report listing cost-effective measures to improve a building’s energy rating, including low and zero carbon generating systems. These recommendations are evaluated over three payback periods and based on the building’s understanding, indicating whether the impact is High, Medium, or Low..




Energy Performance Certificate(EPC)

Fire Risk Assessment

Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

Portable Appliance Test (PAT)

Gas Safety Certificate

Display Energy Certificate

Legionella Risk Assessment

Emergency Lighting Test

Emergency Light Test Remedials

Fire Alarm Condition Report

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